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Ghostkiller • 1 year ago

tch i hate this kid.

HarbingerOfCrazy • 1 year ago

Two hair whirls = married twice.
Three hair whirls = ...?😁😁😁

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 1 year ago

Now we can cross plastic bottle cap that saves the day off the list now XD

Düölingöhhh Snorlax • 1 year ago

Just that? Ok...

wwlaos • 1 year ago

Well at least that was... resolved quickly. :|

Kunal Patil • 1 year ago

can please share from where did you read this? If it is from novel can you say the novel name and where can I find it?

Riyaa • 1 year ago

There is actually but it's not that updated

Talen Drake • 1 year ago

Rosehip contains 30 times more vitamin C than lemon in the same weight.

ThePotatoeGamer • 1 year ago

gua takut kek manhwa arcane sniper dibikin drama “jadi selama ini kau berbohong padaku” MC;” ini semua salahku Seharusnya aku memberitahu dia dari awal” wkwk tai lah

Sayanel Lyant • 1 year ago

Wtf such a short chapter. They really leaving us on the edge of our seats this is sooo good! 😭

RedHocus • 1 year ago

gw pengen icip tapi.. gw liat komen dibawah jadi kayak gimana ya..

Montugar • 1 year ago

Let put this story aside. My argument was towards your comments in general you said:

0011 • 1 year ago

Ciertamente pero imagínate todo para alargar más la historia es como si con cortar las otras introducciónes se borrarán de 200 a 300 cap entiendes y tienen que buscar de dónde sacar los cap y que razones porque con los reinos es difícil que haga muchos avances rápido o que rompe en vez de etapas o niveles reinos enteros entonces para eso están la esposa, posiblemente la sirvienta que lee las estrellas que puede que al autor se de ocurra que de paso algo,otros personajes y posibles waffles que introduzcan más adelante todo eso para que por lo menos no halla falla en sus avances

wacksmack • 1 year ago

Yes yes yes yes yes

Neigh • 1 year ago

Musuh baru lagi kuy

LaughingDoom • 1 year ago

How did he know?

Turbonator • 1 year ago

In you're dream bishhh 🤣🤣🤣

Matt Cruz • 1 year ago

I hope he is, and gets what he deserves. After all she is predator, not prey…

KittyKat22 • 1 year ago

Lolol Adel looks like Fl and Male leads son where he take the feature of ML and got his skin from FL🤣

pheasant • 1 year ago

The children grows up ....😂😂 ....i was once a simple minded 15. Yr old girl when i came into this community.....but now look at me ...😂😂😂

Ryan_Water • 1 year ago

This is a pretty good anime movie. Really hate anime movie with generic template "a new mystery character for movie only and not canon to main story" plot.

Monique256 • 1 year ago

Up lgi min..

TaldeerUlthwe • 1 year ago

Tolong summon gw klo dah 500 chapter

David Talon • 1 year ago

The third prince is terrifying

Snoop-Owl • 1 year ago

Imma be honest, he has the Right to see his own children. I know she doesn’t want them to interfere with him because he’s the emperor blabla but honestly, it’s his children too 🤷🏼‍♀️ I think it’s just not fair to keep them from him, also it’s not like he will kill her or something he def said „you will be staying beside me“ but she was hurt because she pretended not to be pregnant, I just think he was waiting for her to say it. I honestly think ml is in the right here. Sure he’s uncanny, but i feel like he is in the right here